Ok, get ready, get set & enter your recipes! Contest opens this Saturday, January 10th.
The Rules (now don’t get scared – there are only 2 simple rules)
1. Recipes must be EASY! (I am especially interested in International Recipes this time around)
2. If they are not original recipes, please state where you got them (ie: book, relative, internet…etc.)
That’s it!
…and yes, you *may* enter more than one recipe! Anyone, anywhere can enter!
DEADLINE: January 30, 2010 12:00 a.m.
Winners (first, second and third place) will be announced Monday, February 1st.
First Prize – Autographed copy of “The Cat Can Cook Book” + an Original piece from Cat Can Bead Jewelry Collection (to be selected & custom made for winner)
Second & Third Runners-Up – Will each receive an autographed copy of “The Cat Can Cook Book”
Prizes will be awarded for simplicity and originality. Photos of your recipes are always considered a plus 😉
CONTEST OPENS JANUARY 9TH 2010 – Send all recipes to: cat@catcancook.com (please do not post on CatCanCook site) Thanks, and GOODLUCK!
Keep them coming! I’ve had several *great* recipe submissions so far – all very different from one another! I LOVE seeing the different recipes you send in, and it inspires me with ideas and creativity!
To enter, e-mail recipes to: cat@catcancook.com
Thanks and Goodluck!
Are the recipes supposed to be submitted for people or cats? Thanks!
People 🙂