
This week marks the passing of my dear Grandmother, Katie. It’s hard to believe she left us – five years ago now I think it is. Those who have my book, or follow me here on Cat Can Cook, know I loved her dearly, and she taught me so much about cooking and household “stuff.” One of her tried, tested and true fix-all’s was vinegar! Indeed, Gramma used vinegar for so many different things, from laundry, to pickles to cleaning products!

When I saw this idea on Pinterest, I had to try it and re-post it here for you. Gramma would absolutely approve.

With the peel of a lemon, white vinegar and a mason jar, you can make a great all-purpose household cleaner, which is environmentally safe and very cost effective! How cool is that?!

Here is the recipe in a nut-shell 🙂

1 4 cup large mason jar
peel from 1 lemon or other citrus fruit
3 3/4 cups vinegar

Put the peel and vinegar in the jar, and leave for two weeks! Use as a safe all-purpose cleaner in your home.