I saw a delightful card at University Hospital in London: “My cat knows the songs of my heart and purrs them to me when I forget.” Then again, from a T-shirt in a shop in Owen Sound: “What part of Meow don’t you understand?” If you are a cat lover, then you have to accept these feline extremes.
The same cat who stretches full out keeping my back warm on a cold winter night will sit just beyond reach not deigning to let me touch her. It’s okay. I don’t grudge her this independence(as long as she keeps my back warm. Fair is fair!)
on March 28, 2006 at 12:02 am
What are you talking about…not having to pick up the cat’s poop? At least I disgrace myself privately!
I agree with you 100 percent. The thing about dogs is when you are gone they can’t let themselves out and sometimes you have to train them to stay in the yard when they are not on a leash.
Im doing my speech on why cats are better than dogs, too. Thanks for the ideas! I hope I get a good mark!
Candy Mountain Girl
on April 27, 2008 at 7:01 pm
Me and my friend are tight, but we are having a fight on which is better, cats or dogs.this helped lots and lots!
on May 7, 2008 at 9:57 am
You are all wrong. You guys need a pet rock. I mean really think about it, they rock at tricks like playing dead and staying. And if you don’t feel like feeding it that day or you forget it will be fine. Plus when you are bored of takeing care of it just chuck it out the window and the PETA won’t get on your case! (unless you hit your neighbor’s cat or rat dog.)
on May 10, 2008 at 5:44 pm
I like both dogs and cats, but my friend is totally against cats. She sent me an email that gave 11 reasons why dogs are better than cats and this will really help me prove her wrong.
Thank You!!!
on May 19, 2008 at 9:57 pm
me and my friend are doing a debate for our speaking class on why cats are better than dogs… any suggestions???
I love both cats and dogs…there are great things about both of course. I wrote this post as a joke really 🙂
Maybe I should write one about why Dogs are better…they are both wonderful, loving and amazing pets!
Cat Lover to the Max!!
on June 23, 2008 at 8:24 pm
Hey dudes!! I totally think that cats are better than dogs for sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many reasons! If you’d like to differ, or ask me my reasons, post a reply to me! 🙂
on July 12, 2008 at 3:34 pm
Cat’s are way better than dogs for all the reason’s posted above. But I do have to agree about the preference. If you prefer one over the other, than great, so be it. But, if you do have an opinion and are in a large room full of testosteronic men, keep quiet, that way you don’t have to hear how much better they think THEY really are for perferring dogs over cats.
Cat lover
on August 13, 2008 at 8:29 pm
lol my cat drools but not as bad as dogs, thats for sure
thanks 4 ur help becoz im doing a speech at school y catys are better then dogs this helped me alot
on September 4, 2008 at 1:46 am
11. brings you a DEAD mouse!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehehe!!!
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I saw a delightful card at University Hospital in London: “My cat knows the songs of my heart and purrs them to me when I forget.” Then again, from a T-shirt in a shop in Owen Sound: “What part of Meow don’t you understand?” If you are a cat lover, then you have to accept these feline extremes.
The same cat who stretches full out keeping my back warm on a cold winter night will sit just beyond reach not deigning to let me touch her. It’s okay. I don’t grudge her this independence(as long as she keeps my back warm. Fair is fair!)
What are you talking about…not having to pick up the cat’s poop? At least I disgrace myself privately!
I agree with you 100 percent. The thing about dogs is when you are gone they can’t let themselves out and sometimes you have to train them to stay in the yard when they are not on a leash.
You are right about the slobber thing. Dog slobber is extreamly gross!
i’m doing my school speech on why cats are better than dogs, and this helped me a lot! Thank you.
well im doing my school speech on why dogs are better then cats and this has helped a lot
Thanks this has helped. im a huge cat lover too. YAY CATS!!!
if your a cat person just get a cat,
if your a dog person get a dog
its easy!!
There you have it!! 🙂
Im doing my speech on why cats are better than dogs, too. Thanks for the ideas! I hope I get a good mark!
Me and my friend are tight, but we are having a fight on which is better, cats or dogs.this helped lots and lots!
You are all wrong. You guys need a pet rock. I mean really think about it, they rock at tricks like playing dead and staying. And if you don’t feel like feeding it that day or you forget it will be fine. Plus when you are bored of takeing care of it just chuck it out the window and the PETA won’t get on your case! (unless you hit your neighbor’s cat or rat dog.)
I like both dogs and cats, but my friend is totally against cats. She sent me an email that gave 11 reasons why dogs are better than cats and this will really help me prove her wrong.
Thank You!!!
me and my friend are doing a debate for our speaking class on why cats are better than dogs… any suggestions???
I love both cats and dogs…there are great things about both of course. I wrote this post as a joke really 🙂
Maybe I should write one about why Dogs are better…they are both wonderful, loving and amazing pets!
Hey dudes!! I totally think that cats are better than dogs for sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many reasons! If you’d like to differ, or ask me my reasons, post a reply to me! 🙂
Cat’s are way better than dogs for all the reason’s posted above. But I do have to agree about the preference. If you prefer one over the other, than great, so be it. But, if you do have an opinion and are in a large room full of testosteronic men, keep quiet, that way you don’t have to hear how much better they think THEY really are for perferring dogs over cats.
lol my cat drools but not as bad as dogs, thats for sure
thanks 4 ur help becoz im doing a speech at school y catys are better then dogs this helped me alot
11. brings you a DEAD mouse!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehehe!!!